I rarely accept things in the business world as they are. I tend to see things as they should be and then get to work figuring stuff out.
Long version:
I have more than 25 years of experience in B2B demand generation and management, spanning a broad array of industries and markets.
For more than two decades spanning the gap between marketing and sales, I have developed a wealth of expertise in the alignment of marketing and sales organizations.
For the last decade, I've been thought leader in the design and implementation of demand marketing processes, technologies and teams for a wide array of B2B products, solutions and services. I've authored and co-authored a wide range of key models and frameworks for SiriusDecisions and Forrester (incl the last two versions of the Waterfall), spoken at dozens of industry events, including 4 appearances as a SiriusDecisions Summit keynote speaker.
Over the last 5+ years, my focus for has been on driving the buying groups revolution in B2B, helping organizations transform from outmoded, ineffective lead-based demand gen practices to modern, buying team and opportunity-centric processes that unlock next-level performance.
I also bring a unique combination of academic and real-world expertise in a variety of disciplines, including demand marketing, ABM, marketing operations, sales prospecting, messaging, organizational design and management, cross-cultural organizational design and change management, employee selection and retention, and performance management.
In addition to dozens of business briefs and articles, I have been published in both literary and scientific publications.
My BA is in psychology and journalism from Indiana University Bloomington and my MS is in organizational psychology from San Francisco State University.
My favorite topics to read and discuss include evolutionary psychology, paleoanthropology, and the history and evolution of language. During my relatively recent stint in grad school, I also worked in four different research labs in the fields of social and personality psychology, with an emphasis on evolutionary consumer psychology.