Top Sales Videos
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Master the Art of Prompt Writing: 6 Tips To Writing Better Prompts

Title: Master the Art of Prompt Writing: Tips & Techniques for Better AI CommunicationDescription: Unlock the secrets of effective prompt writing in this com...

How Brave's Ad Matching Works

When a user opts-in to Brave Ads, the browser uses an on-device machine learning model to evaluate and rank topics of interest.

Brave downloads an ad catalog containing the entire list of ads available for the user's country, so as not to reveal to anyone else which ads the user is viewing. The user's data never leaves their machine, and no one, including Brave, is able to view that data.

Brave cuts out the middlemen, directly connecting brands with consumers. Users see the right ad at the right time, without compromising their privacy. This powerful ad matching allows Brave Ads to be effective while protecting user privacy at all times.

A Master Class in HubSpot Lead Source Tracking

In this video, we'll walk you through the basics of HubSpot lead sources, the difference between original source and latest source, and how to effectively track your lead sources in HubSpot.

In this video we'll cover:
- HubSpot original source and latest source
- Tracking lead sources in HubSpot
- Lead source examples in HubSpot

How to AB Test Sequences in HubSpot

In this video we'll show you how to use AB testing for sequences in HubSpot to improve the outcome of your sequences, increase engagement, and hopefully lead to more conversions!

We'll also cover:
- What you should use AB testing for in HubSpot sequences
- Best practices for AB testing in HubSpot
- Changing variations of your sequence in HubSpot

The Expert Guide to HubSpot Lifecycle Stages

In this video, we'll take a closer look at what lifecycle stages are, how they're used inside of HubSpot, and how to add your own stages.

In this video we'll cover:
- The 8 default lifecycle stages in HubSpot
- How to add and edit HubSpot lifecycle stages
- Simple ways to automate HubSpot lifecycle stages
- Reports around lifecycle stages in HubSpot
- How lifecycle stages work with other tools in HubSpot
