Top Sales eBooks
The Juice is the largest library of marketing and sales resources.
These are the ebooks that are trending with sales pros right now. 🧃
DAY 8: Keeping Humans in the Loop with Generative AI

Generative AI is ushering in dramatic changes in content marketing. The potential to save time and resources, no doubt, is a major part of its appeal. But this technology comes with complexities and challenges, including data quality and bias, to ethical considerations.

To successfully embrace generative AI, it's essential to understand both the capabilities and limitations of this technology. Human involvement and oversight is critical to its responsible implementation. With the right approach, content marketers can make the most of generative AI's potential, ensuring their content is accurate, relevant, and aligned with brand values.

The automation handbook for small businesses and entrepreneurs

Learn how automation for small businesses can help improve customer experience, boost sales and give you more free time.

Post-Purchase Buyer's Checklist by Narvar

This checklist from Narvar is intended to help you
make an informed, intelligent decision
when it comes to investing in a postpurchase solution.
The following will help you understand what questions
you should ask, what you should look for in a solution
(based on your business' needs), and what differentiates
one platform from another.

Calculate your score at the end of this checklist and use
it as a benchmark when looking at post-purchase
solutions so you can partner with the platform that's best
suited for your brand.

-Your Friends at Narvar

The State of Business Growth in 2024

Find out what small businesses like yours are doing to adapt and thrive in today's economy.

The 2024 State of Business Growth report reveals how recent market shifts are impacting small businesses, what strategies set teams who achieved their 2023 goals apart from those who did not, and action plans to inform your 2024 goals.

Invoca Artificial Intelligence: Customer Wins and Results

Phone conversations are the most valuable source of first-party data you
have. With Invoca's AI, you can surface actionable insights from customer
phone calls to prove your marketing is effective and get the data you need
to drive more revenue. Learn what's driving high-value leads to call, how
they convert, improve contact center performance, and much more.
